What’s the R-O-I On
Your Higher Education?

OK – Listen up! We need to know the R-O-I of that higher education your pursuing?


Whether it be college, trade or vocational schools you INVEST your time as well as money to get an education. The end result is a career you hopefully will love with yearly earnings being the RETURN.

It’s important to ask yourself – what is the payoff for all your blood, sweat and tears…and cost. It’s time to do the math.

QUESTION 1 – What is the cost of your higher education.

QUESTION 2 – What is the average starting salary of a job in your area of study?

The blog fivethirtyeight.com has a great chart of understanding what the average median earning is for your degree and future job.


QUESTION 3 – Now look the first two questions – how many years will you have to work to equal the cost of higher education. In other words, how many years of working will it take you to break even in paying back that cost of education.

That’s your ROI.

Life is about pursuing interests that you love, but it’s equally important to consider the path you take and whether the return will be worth it.

April is National Financial Literacy Month, Talkin’ Money’s favorite month! To celebrate the importance of being financially literate, we’re going to post financial literacy tips every day.


The Scoop On
Dollar Cost Averaging

Dollar cost averaging is an investment technique where you regularly buy a fixed dollar amount of a particular investment, on a regular schedule, regardless of its price.

Dollar cost averaging can be employed in purchasing just about any investment, though it is commonly used in purchasing stocks and mutual funds. It is also called Constant Dollar Plan.

We all know that the stock market goes up, and the stock market goes down. when to ‘jump in’ can be a difficult guess. A lot of people loose sleep over crazy market gyrations. This is why dollar cost averaging makes sense.

Let’s say you make regular monthly payments into your retirement plan. Or, make monthly payments to yourself, in the form of savings. If you are investing in mutual funds for example, purchasing that fund at a monthly interval, is cost averaging. Regardless of what the stock market is doing, you will buy more shares if the market is low and less shares if the market is high. Over time, you are buying an average, and this helps smooth out the fluctuations of the market.

For example, if you make a $100 per month investment in a mutual fund. In January, the share price was $25, so you were able to buy 4 shares. In February, the share price was $33, so you were able to buy 3 shares. Then in March, the share price was $20, allowing you to buy 5 shares. Over the three months, you purchased a total of 12 shares for an average price of $25 each.

There is an old adage, that you can never time the stock market – in other words, the hope that you buy when market is low and sell when the market is high. Dollar cost averaging is a great strategy that helps your investment grow without having to worry about market timing.

Want to read more? http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/how-to-use-the-dollarcost-averaging-formula-on-the.html

April is National Financial Literacy Month, Talkin’ Money’s favorite month! To celebrate the importance of being financially literate, we’re going to post financial literacy tips every day.