Financial Literacy Standards

So, what exactly are the standards for financial literacy? What should a high school graduate know when they walk down the aisle for that diploma? Here are the financial literacy standards we are using to craft the shows we do – ask yourself how much did you know when you graduated high school?

Florida First To Adopt National Financial Literacy Standards

From the Tampa Bay Times – Florida finance and business leaders have long pushed for the state’s students to better understand the way money works in today’s society. Lawmakers mandated financial literacy instruction for high school students in 2013.

In June, the State Board of Education adopted a “financial literacy strand” into its social studies standards.

Did you know Florida was the first in the nation to put in place the national Council for Economic Education’s Standards for Financial Literacy, which include lessons on such subjects as saving and investment? This sets the stage for a full-blown course on the subject some time in the future, to go along with the growing list of other state mandated (and tested) topics that students face.

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