April Is Financial Literacy Month!

2016_0401-FinLitMonthApril is National Financial Literacy Month, Talkin’ Money’s favorite month! To celebrate the importance of being financially literate, we’re going to post financial literacy tips every day.

When polled, the vast majority of adults will tell you that they were never taught the things they needed to know about money when they were in school, and,they wished that they had the knowledge to be financially literate at a young age.

Being financially literate means examining your attitudes about money. Talkin’ Money is targeted to millennials, but it’s never too late to do a financial literacy ‘check-up’.

Here are a few financial literacy questions to ask yourself today:

  • Do you make informed financial decisions and understand the difference between wants and needs?
  • Have you meet your credit obligations on time?
  • Do you track your expenses with a budget?
  • Do you plan for the future through savings?
  • Have you establish money goals?

April is National Financial Literacy Month, Talkin’ Money’s favorite month! To celebrate the importance of being financially literate, we’re going to post financial literacy tips every day.

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